The Seven C:s

100 kr

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Modern life with its constantly increasing change of pace induces both physical and psycological stress reactions in a growing number of individuals at steadily decreasing age. These reactions of oncreased tension inhibit the flow of blood, which lowers the breathing level of individuals cells, which in turn leads to a waste of energy, increased fatigue and a decrease inresistance to sickness and other stresses. This chain of reaction forms a vicious circle of spirilling stress.

Children have several valuable primitive qualities which grow or decline their transition to adulthood. Children for example have good imagination and powers of intense involvement and concentration, as well as senses of curiosity and creativity with an ability to laugh at many diferent types of things. Among these basic these basic childlike dimensions is als the ability the capability to relax. Often children exhibit a catlike ability to relax completely. Growing up means often tensing up.

The Seven C:s (childlike capacaties) can be summed up in:

  • Confidence
  • Calmness
  • Concentration
  • Commitment
  • Creativity
  • Cheerfulness
  • Control

55 minutes

Author:Sven Setterlind & Lars-Eric Uneståhl


Unestål Education
Hagalundsvägen 4
SE-702 30 Örebro


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